Asian souls on tour
Life and death, the eternal cycle of evanescence as a basis for something new, is a taboo in many societies. However, there are ethnic groups to which death has been and still is a constant and natural part of life and their everyday life for generations.
In its current project, the IFICAH Foundation is dedicated to six of these ethnic groups in Asia, from East India to Indonesia to the Philippines and Taiwan. Common to all groups is the association with the ethnicity of the so-called headhunters and therefore their direct and social bond of taking and giving of life in an immediate manner.
Often misrepresented by colonial powers and missionaries, the historical and cultural backgrounds of these ethnic groups were revised neutrally by IFICAH. In its Museum of Asian Culture, the results are discussed and presented in a value-free manner and from a cultural science perspective using the extensive presentations of previously unpublished objects.

IFICAH Magazine: Edition 02 – Limited
IFICAH (ed.)
With contributions from Dr. Achim Weihrauch and Günther Heckmann
144 pages
Available from the IFICAH Foundation
25,00€ plus shipping costs
We accept Paypal and bank transfer. Please contact us by phone or mail for more information.

IFICAH Magazin: Ausgabe 02 – Limitiert
IFICAH (Hrsg.)
Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Achim Weihrauch und Günther Heckmann
144 Seiten
Zu beziehen über die Stiftung IFICAH
25,00€ zzgl. Versandkosten
Wir akzeptieren Paypal und Banküberweisung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per Mail oder Telefon für mehr Informationen.

IFICAH Magazine: Edition 01 – Limited
IFICAH (ed.)
With contributions from Dr. Achim Weihrauch and Günther Heckmann
104 pages
Available from the IFICAH Foundation
25,00€ plus shipping costs
We accept Paypal and bank transfer. Please contact us by phone or mail for more information.

IFICAH Magazin: Ausgabe 01 – Limitiert
IFICAH (Hrsg.)
Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Achim Weihrauch und Günther Heckmann
106 Seiten
Zu beziehen über die Stiftung IFICAH
25,00€ zzgl. Versandkosten
Wir akzeptieren Paypal und Banküberweisung. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per Mail oder Telefon für mehr Informationen.

LIMITED! The clan is watching over my shoulder – Ancestor cult and sword art of the Batak in North-Sumatra
„The Batak. Far from us in Europe, mostly an unknown quantity. And who of us has been on vacation to Lake Toba in North Sumatra? Although it is the largest volcanic lake on Earth, and three times the size of Lake Constance, most of us haven´t even heard of it. Thus, in the exhibition at the Museum of Asian Culture it is important that for once we are able to show visitors where the Batak people live.“
„Die Batak. Von uns Europäern ziemlich weit weg, vorwiegend unbekannt. Und wer geht schon an den Toba-See in Nord-Sumatra in Urlaub? Es handelt sich zwar um den größten Vulkansee der Erde, und er ist dreimal so groß wie der Bodensee, aber er ist in unseren Köpfen nicht verankert. Und so ist es in der Ausstellung im Museum für Asiatische Kultur wichtig, den Besuchern erst einmal zeigen zu können, wo das Volk der Batak überhaupt lebt.“