The Art of Kanshitsu

"If you look up the word kanshitsu what you will find is dry lacquer technique. I’ve always quite disliked that translation. It makes it sound so uninteresting and, well, rather dry. It hardly, if at all, gives you any sort of indication of what makes the technique so special. A more appropriate translation would be forming technique or infinite possibilities technique. I suppose neither of those rolls off the tongue either, but they at least paint a better picture of what kanshitsu really is. Kanshitsu is a technique that has actually been around for a very long time. If we [...]

2018-11-22T07:08:42+00:00International|0 Kommentare

How does Urushi feel?

"Feelings are something that we all have, something that we can all relate to. They are inseparable from the human condition. But where do they come from? Why do some of us feel stronger feelings towards certain things more than others? Feelings are powerful. They’ve guided us and inspired us since the beginning. The expression of feeling can be as abstract as the feelings themselves. From poetry to dance to music to art, all in a way to decipher our inner selves in hopes that some, even if only a few, can relate to us. Sometimes I wonder if [...]

2018-11-15T15:09:08+00:00International|0 Kommentare
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