The head is the key part of the body, responsible for our character, our person. In contrast to the approximately 300 other bones of the skeleton, which change in size and composition throughout our lives, the head remains relatively unchanged. It is the source of our individuality. We talk, see and hear with the head, our emotional life and our balance, our locating system and our perception of the here and now are located in the head. //Der Kopf ist das Körperteil schlechthin, dasjenige, welches unseren Charakter, unser Wesen ausmacht. Im Gegensatz zu den etwa 300 übrigen Knochen des [...]

The historical and spiritual meaning of headhunting in Asia

The exhibition is dedicated to the subject of “head-hunting. Head-hunting refers to the killing of a person with the intention of taking his head. Head-hunting is an ancient tradition which was earlier practised widely in almost all of Asia and Europe. For the pre-Christian and pre-Roman peoples of Europe (Celts, Teutons, Scythians, Italics/Ligurians, Iberians, etc.) headhunting has been widely testified and proven to have existed, both by classical authors and archaeology. In some parts of the world, such as some areas of Southeast Asia, Africa, New Guinea and Latin America, headhunting has persisted for a very long [...]

2020-07-23T08:35:38+00:00Research|0 Kommentare


Life and death, the eternal cycle of evanescence as a basis for something new, is a taboo in many societies. However, there are ethnic groups to which death has been and still is a constant and natural part of life and their everyday life for generations. In its current project, the IFICAH Foundation is dedicated to six of these ethnic groups in Asia, from East India to Indonesia to the Philippines and Taiwan. Common to all groups is the association with the ethnicity of the so-called headhunters and therefore their direct and social bond of taking and giving. [...]

2023-01-10T19:42:16+00:00Exhibitions|0 Kommentare
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