A set of ceremonial archery equipment for the enthronement ceremony of the Taisho Emperor

Taisho era (1912-1926), circa 1915, unsigned  Bow: 179cm (70,5in)  Arrows: each 67cm (26 3/8in) Quiver: 28cm x 20.5cm x 6.5cm (11in x 8 1/8in x 2,5in) The bow with its set of arrows was prepared for the enthronement ceremonies for the Taisho Emperor in 1915. It belonged to the sculptor Sano Akira, who served as a Taireishi Kotokan (High Ceremonial Officer) at the event. The bow is decorated with imperial paulownia crests and tendrils in gold lacquer. It also has silk wrappings and gilt metal fittings. The set of 15 arrows has lacquered shafts, gilt-metal tips and feather flights. The set is fittet [...]

Ainu – The indigenous people of northern Japan

Ainu is the generally established name for the indigenous people of northern Japan, especially Hokkaido, which was formerly known as Edo. The Ainu also populate parts of north-eastern Russia, such as Sakhalin and the Kuriles. The Ainu (literally "man") refer themselves as Ainu or Utari. In the recent past, the Ainu lived and worked mainly as hunters, fishermen and gatherers. Only the southern groups were engaged in subsistence agriculture and animal husbandry. Today between 50,000 and 150,000 people living in Japan, consider themselves Ainu. For centuries there has been a progressive mixing with Japanese, so that the classification is [...]

2020-07-15T08:47:41+00:00Research|0 Kommentare

IFICAH Funding Sale – Indonesian Swords and Daggers

Download the Catalogue Indonesian Swords and Daggers The Auction starts Friday, 13th of December 2019 at 2.00 pm (lots 1 – 498) Exhibition From Monday the 9th to Thursday the 12th From 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Piazza Vittorio Veneto 17 Sarzana (La Spezia) Italy Fax: +39 0187 692703 email: info@czernys.com Click HERE to go to the official website of CZERNY'S Auction

2019-12-05T12:35:37+00:00International|0 Kommentare

Buddhistical Sculptures

Nikkō Hensho Bosatsu (“All illuminating Sunlight”) Save the in darkness reborn suffering humanity through thousand from heaven sent sunbeams. Muromachi Period, 16th century Height (sculpture) 100 cm //(„Alles beleuchtendes Sonnenlicht“) Errettet die in der Dunkelheit der Wiedergeburten leidenden Menschen durch tausend vom Himmel gesandte Sonnenstrahlen. Muromachi Zeit, 16. Jahrhundert Höhe (Skulptur) 100 cm Jūichimen Kanno Eleven headed Kannon of esoteric Buddhism, symbolizes the eleven types of godly might and reflects the unending compassion. Early Edo period, 17th century Height 83 cm //Elfköpfige Kannon des esoterischen Buddhismus, symbolisiert die elf Arten göttlicher Macht [...]

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