Über Lea Heckmann

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Bisher hat Lea Heckmann, 31 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.

How does Urushi feel?

"Feelings are something that we all have, something that we can all relate to. They are inseparable from the human condition. But where do they come from? Why do some of us feel stronger feelings towards certain things more than others? Feelings are powerful. They’ve guided us and inspired us since the beginning. The expression of feeling can be as abstract as the feelings themselves. From poetry to dance to music to art, all in a way to decipher our inner selves in hopes that some, even if only a few, can relate to us. Sometimes I wonder if [...]

2018-11-15T15:09:08+00:00International|0 Kommentare

Hugh Hung on his urushi study trip to Japan

More than a sensei. More than a studio. "Artists and craftspeople alike often feel some sort of deep connection with the materials with which they create. There are certain materials that can inspire us to think about more than just ourselves. The way grain in a piece of wood flows in and out creating the most magnificent and unexpected patterns. The way ceramics can have those rich, beautiful colors from the intensity of fire dancing through a kiln. They provide both makers and their users with a lifetime of fascination and discovery. I can’t remember when I first came [...]

2018-10-31T07:47:38+00:00International|0 Kommentare

Introducing Hugh Hung

''Hi! My name is Hugh and I am a Taiwanese-American currently studying urushi in Japan with artist Nagatoshi Onishi. My background is in fine furniture and prior to coming to Japan I studied at The Krenov School in California. My good friend and mentor Joe Amaral opened up the world of urushi to me and I fell in love ever since. Joe specializes in stunning decorative surfaces, but my personal interest has always been more in form. Choosing to study with Onishi sensei was about more than just learning urushi techniques. I was seeking his guidance to help [...]

2018-10-31T07:25:25+00:00International|0 Kommentare

Seerp Visser, Belgium

Seerp Visser was born in 1943 and educated in mechanical engineering (Ing, MsC). From 1964 - 1990 he worked for major petrochemical oil companies as Aramco Saudi Arabia and Shell and also for his own company, which later extended to the "Piscator" group of companies, as an engineer. From 1990 he educated as a blacksmith and was employed by the Belgian blacksmith Idir Mecibah for a couple years. Then he became a teacher for blacksmithing at the Royal Academy of Art in Antwerp. He is now a blacksmith specialized for the restoration of metal objects and studies the forging methods [...]

2019-11-12T08:23:35+00:00International|0 Kommentare

Visit to the Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Surakarta 2017 // Besuch des Institut Seni Indonesia, Surakarta 2017

The Institute ISI is the only school in Indonesia where the production of Keris is taught. Dietrich Drescher has also forged blades in their own forge once before. During a guided tour, we had an insight into the different areas of the institute where different arts and design can be studied. The university exists since 53 years and teaches in addition to graphic design, photography and theater the World Culture Heritage listed art forms such as the batik art, the art of the shadow theater and the gamelan playing. In the university, we met empu "Rumpun Ilmu" who has also [...]

2018-10-24T14:58:13+00:00International|0 Kommentare


Dietrich Drescher and the Indonesian Keris, part I//Dietrich Drescher und der Indonesische Keris, Teil I Of all people, it was a German seaman who after the Second World War revived the forging of blades in Indonesia. Dietrich Drescher has acquired an incredible and enormous knowledge about keris manufacturing over the past decades. In this Interview of the ongoing series IFICAH-Talk, he converses with Dr. Achim Weihrauch, a renowned bladesmith from Efringen-Kirchen, about his oeuvre: The comeback of the keris culture in Indonesia.                                   [...]

2018-11-14T17:59:20+00:00IFICAH Talk|0 Kommentare

IFICAH-Beitrag vom Sidihoni Verlag

Sidihoni- ein Verlag, ein Journal, ein Netzwerk. Christine Schreiber vermittelt als Ethnologin und Kulturwissenschaftlerin die Kultur der Toba-Batak in Sumatra, Indonesien. Dazu gehören Buchvorstellungen, Veranstaltungen und Blog Beiträge. In Ihrem Buch SIDIHONI - Perle im Herzen Sumatras I, berichtet Sie in einer Feldforschung über Leben, Bestattung, Tradition und Moderne bei den Toba- Batak. Hier geht es zum Beitrag "Schwabe führt barfuss" über das IFICAH Museum Wir danken Christine Schreiber für Ihre lieben Worte.

2018-08-27T09:41:07+00:00Literature|0 Kommentare

The Clan watching over my shoulder//Die Verwandtschaft im Nacken

From February to October 2018, the IFICAH museum will introduce you to the ancestor cult and sword art of the Batak in North Sumatra. We have titled the exhibition „The clan watching over my shoulder“. Come in and impress yourself with the art of the Batak. //Von Februar bis Oktober 2018 können Sie im IFICAH Museum für Asiatische Kultur den Ahnenkult und die Klingenkunst der Batak auf Nord-Sumatra kennenlernen. Wir haben die Ausstellung mit „Die Verwandtschaft im Nacken“ betitelt. Kommen Sie vorbei und lassen Sie sich von der Kunst der Batak beeindrucken! [...]

2019-02-13T15:52:06+00:00Exhibitions|0 Kommentare

Joy of Silence//Schönheit der Stille

The aesthetics of the Japanese tea ceremony//Die Ästhetik der japanischen Teezeremonie Duration: until the end of September 2017 As early as the 4th century, Chinese Taoists were already using the leaves of the tea plant for the ceremonial preparation of beverages in their search for immortality. In the year 801, a Japanese monk brought tea seeds from China, which were then sown south of Kyoto. From the year 1191, Eisai the monk, who passed on the refined tea-making traditions of the Sung farm, was responsible for spreading throughout Japan the idea of refining the [...]

2018-08-30T07:03:33+00:00Exhibitions|0 Kommentare
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